Working Papers

(JMP) Learning through Transient Matching in Congested Markets, 2023

Build to Order: Endogenous Supply in Centralized Mechanisms, 2023, joint with Kwok Hao Lee and Luther Yap

Decentralized Matching with Aligned Preferences, 2023, joint with Leeat Yariv and Muriel Niederle

The Dynamic Allocation of Public Housing: Policy and Spillovers, 2023, joint with Kwok Hao Lee and Luther Yap

Completed Papers

DyPy: A Python Library for Simulating Matrix-Form Games, 2020, joint with Anjalika Nande, Eric Lubin, Erez Yoeli, and Martin Nowak

Geometric Invariants of Numerical Semigroups, 2016, joint with Maksym Fedorchuk and Jian Zhou